Welcome To The World Wide Web

Greetings, browser! Welcome to Graphical Encrypted Objective Cities, or GEOC for short. This object camp will focus around building your own website, solving unique puzzles, and pitting your skills against one-another to accumulate points and win wonderful prizes!
How To Play?
Everything starts with creating a website here on Neocities. You don't need any prior knowledge with coding, since you'll have plenty of time learn along the way. As the camp goes on you'll add more pages and features, both as challenges, and just for fun!
GEOC differs from most object camps, not just in its medium, but also its scoring system. Instead of holding eliminations, each challenge will reward players with points based on different criteria! Depending on your placement, you could recieve helpful boosts, strange effects, or just some fun goodies. By the end of the season, the top-ranked players will face-off in an ultimate gauntlet to decide our winner! Don't worry if you don't get accepted though, everyone is welcome to play along, even if they're not competing.
The Hosts

That's me! The name's Comet Cursor, and I run this whole operation. I'll give out challenges, scores, and prizes whenever the opportunity arises!

Hyperlink's here to tie everything together! It's her job to manage all the little stuff that goes on in the background, like widgets and site updates. Keep and eye out, and she'll show you whatcha need to know. She's supposed to stay low-key about her job here, but I don't blame her for being excited!

Ya see that guy on the side of your screen? The guy that blinks somethimes? Yeah, that's Navbar! He, uh, doesn't talk much, but it's all cool. He works with his sister Hyperlink to keep things running smooth on our end, and help you guys, well, navigate!